Main Features and Specifications:
Gas (Helium) Pycnometer Theory and Practice
Basic theory of gas expansion pycnometer operation, general description of pycnometer applications and practical hints.
Basic theory of gas expansion pycnometer operation, general description of pycnometer applications and practical hints.
Converting PV-Pyc 200™ to Surface Area Analyzer
PV-Pyc 200™ Optional accessories
Advances in Permeametry
Development of improved comparative and absolute methods for determination of specific surface area of porous powders (cementitous materials) using gas (air) permeability technique.
Development of improved comparative and absolute methods for determination of specific surface area of porous powders (cementitous materials) using gas (air) permeability technique.
Proposal of quadratic equation for prediction of flow rates versus pressure in packed beds of cement. Pdf.file
Based on experimental measurements of flow rates versus pressure in packed beds of cement, the quadratic relationship is obtained and discussed. The coefficient at quadratic term is proposed as the basic parameter for characterization and extraction of other parameters of interest. Advantages of the equipment over Blaine apparatus used in ASTM C 204 method are presented. |
Importance of output pressure value in measurements of gas flow rates versus pressure input in packed beds of powders.
This brief communication explains relevance of monitoring at the packed bed output and a need of using more than just one transducer.... |
Absolute method for determination of the specific surface area using gas (air) permeability technique. New equation was derived for obtaining specific surface area from experimental data of gas flow through packed beds of porous materials... |
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